Das’s Laws in Process Safety and Sustainability
(1) Our senses conceal more things than they reveal. We are conditioned to see what we want to see, and hear what we want to hear.
(2) All secular codes and most religious codes seek immunity from reasoned queries.
(3) Expressed truth includes the Image (of speaker or writer) as well as the alphanumeric expression of the speaker or writer. Absolute
Truth cannot be expressed. All expressed truths have a frame of reference and a domain of validity.
(4) Acceptance of truth through information flow happens spontaneously in the direction of image gradient, i.e., from higher human
image to a lower human image, as heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.
(5) When maximum allowable safe gap between principles and practice is exceeded and such deviation is normalized, incidents
will happen: it is just a matter of time. [Bad behavior, when rewarded or tolerated, leads to worse behavior.]
(6) Power of positive thinking saves your soul; Power of negative thinking saves your body. [ERS design (or any survival strategy) is
rooted to power of negative thinking. Best intention (positive thinking) may lead to the worst scenario.].
(7) Pollution and collateral damage of some targeted actions are unavoidable, but minimizable by-products of civilization.